Thursday, September 25, 2014



Assalamualaikum wbt..

Semoga Allah permudahkan usaha kami untuk menjadi muslim yang lebih baik..Aminn

Haziq yang suka sgt dengan ABC


Wednesday, September 24, 2014

After more than a year??


Out of sudden I'm thinking of this blog while in office yesterday but couldnt get into it since i forgot my pwd. Luckily i have it save in nyanyuk syndrome :)

There are so many things happen (of course la kan) through out this 1 year since i'm leaving this blog. Haziq is now 2 years and a addicted to ABC..123..bendera..latest is frog..yes FROG! Hahaha..It's a never ending story if i wanna talk about him but the most priceless moment is when he started called me 'Ibu' when he was 2 yrs plus..yes Haziq lambat cakap but actually he's learning while he's not talking,,so when he started talking..he already knows a lot of things and he even can recognize ABC even before he can he manage to write a few alphabets :) about 'Ibu''s actually started with 'Abu''s so funny and all his uncles like to make a joke about step is 'Aibu' before it comes to the right one - IBU :) :) I'm the happiest mother ever..hihihi

I need to get back to's 625 am and i'm on morning check this week. 

Till we meet again..
