Friday, December 23, 2011

my baby :)

Your baby weighs a little more than 1kg and may measure up to 38cm from top to toe. At about this time, she can open her eyes and turn her head in your uterus (womb) if she notices a continuous, bright light shining from the outside. She's getting used to blinking her eyes, which now have eyelashes. 

Her fat layers are continuing to form and her bones are nearly developed, though they are still soft and pliable. Her bones won’t harden properly until after she's born. 

Sekejap je masa berlalu...Can't wait to see my baby :)

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Roses from hubby ♥

I'm back!! dpt chance update blog harini sambil tunggu my hubby dtg pick up kt ofis :)

Harini dapat roses lagi dari inche hubby yg romantik itu..hehehe ~ suka2!! beruntungnye i kan?? :D

Cantik x?? cantik kan?? really love the color..actually all together ade 12 kuntum..tapi satu dh asingkan letak dlm botol nk tinggalkn kt ofis...hehe, the rest nk wt blk umah harini...;) sayang my hubby...owh actually roses ni diberi sb since few days back me sgt la stress...overstress...tapi skg dh ok! kesian baby last few days turut bermurung...ish3

Before this dah dpt roses sempena my 27th birthday...later i update separately ;)

Friday, December 16, 2011

Super duper long break...hehe

Salam semua..hehe

Blog ni masih ade harapan bersambung rupenye...tersgt2 la lama from the very last update..sampai mcm2 dh terjadi..status pn dh bertukar2 ni..hihi..jom track blk slowly...

02/06/2011 - I am married! officially a wife for Muhamad Hazimin Abd hunny bunny :)

10/07/2011 - Buat pregnancy test sendiri lps dh 2 weeks lewat period...and it is POSITIVE! tak disangka2 begitu awl..Alhamdulillah, 2x test sb mula2 cm x caye...hehe
19/07/2011 - First checkup kt KJMC with Dr. Fatima yg sgt baik orgnye :) first scan tgk baby..happy sgt2!! Inche suami pn teruja je..hehe, so doc pn estimate my EDD - 09/03/2012

Ni gmbr first baby..skg ni dh membesar bagai johan dh..hehe

Then bermula la regular checkup kt KJMC with the same semakin membesar kt dlm my womb...and now dah 28 WEEKS!! haha..x sempat bercerita pasal 1st  & 2nd trimester terus dh nak masuk 3rd trimester...will try to remind all those precious moment and update sket2 :)

Anyway skg still kt ofis tgh tnggu inche hubby dtg ambik..harini terasa begitu penat maka inche hubby insist nk dtg ambik kt blk lmbt la sket...normally naik LRT je..lagipun harini xde geng..huhu..alone in office..seb bek dah Jumaat..

Update for 28 weeks
- cepat penat, mengah..jalan pn dh makin perlahan
- tdo asyik terjaga je..then ssh gak nk lena kecuali kalau penat sgt
- dh start rs backpain..heartburn kdg2
- baby sgt la aktif..menendang ibu je keje nye :) tp best wlaupn kdg2 sakit..kdg2 geli...

Itu je la dulu..bersambung kemudian :)'s gonna be a very busy weeknd for me..sebab parents in law nk dtg rumah for the 1st time...hehe, so esok kena pegi beli brg2 dapo nk masak (mesti la masak kan wlaupn tgh x larat nk bawak perut ni...hehe, padahal  MIL dah pesan jgn sediakan ape2 :p), kena la kemas umah..vakum..mop..nsb baik ade inche suami yg baik hati dan ringan tulang temulangnye..hehe

Pray for the very best weekend :)