I woke up late this morning!! 30minutes late...wohoho :p
My working hours start at 4am for dis whole week..hehe ~ bunyi cam x masok akalkah? but that's my work..yea..working from home (of course!-if not who's gonna teman me 2 office and b in office? ~ tiba2 tringat bout all those scary gossipsssss in office..ngeeee).....
Alhamdulillah everything bout work is fine ~ phew! if not i believe somebody will wake me up before i did (avoiding this as much as i can)
Now 5:03am..of course i'm still sleepy a bit.. even though it has been about 2yrs working like this but..coz the head count in my team is keep on changing (asyik cabut lari jekk semua), the schedule for doing morning check change accordingly..which means(makin dekat ngn point yg nk disampaikan :p) my biological clock keep on changing AS WELL *sigh* (this is the main point :D) what 2 do...mencari rezeki utk beberapa suap nasi dan lauk beserta air minuman...- we rotate among engineers 2 do morning check & only 1 person will be responsible 4 doing it in a week & the rest working in normal office hours.
Why we do checking that we called as "Morning Check"?? coz we are supporting countries like NZ & OZ..hmm..frankly speaking now i feel a bit bored doing this job but i still like it (dunno the word "like" can remain till when :p) but seriously i'm looking 4 sumthing new..fresh..
x best sgt ckp psl keje ni (btol!)..better ckp psl sumthing fun..cam movie ke..mkanan ke..gosip2 ke..kan?kan? ooo...better check my mail now ~ ngeee
Jom layan Maher Zain ~ :)
gudluck syg! :)